ZK 300 General-Surgery

Alphabetical Index (EN)

Jacobs Uterine tenaculum forceps GO 28 Jacobson Bone curettes BS 17 Dissecting Micro Forceps FC 6 Hemostatic forceps CF 14 Micro needle holders WO 6 Jacobson-Adson Delicate dissecting forceps FC 12 Jameson Delicate dissecting scissors SC 27 Needle holders WO 15 Jameson-Werber Delicate dissecting scissors SC 27 Janet Syringes TS 12 Jansen Bone curettes BS 17 Bone rongeur forceps BS 49–BS 50 Ear dressing forceps FC 24 Raspatories BS 21 Self-retaining retractors RE 34 Jansen-Gruenwald Ear dressing forceps FC 24 Jarcho Uterine tenaculum forceps GO 24 Jars HS 6 Jeffersen Self-retaining retractors RE 38 Jobson-Horne Cotton applicators TS 20 Johns-Hopkins Bulldog clamps CF 60 Joll (Friedmann) Thyroid- and vaginal retractor RE 50 Jones Towel forceps CF 47 Joseph Dissecting scissors SC 40 Raspatories BS 22 Judd-Allis Intestinal and tissue grasping forceps AS 5 Judd-Masson Bladder retractors AS 39 Julian Needle holders WO 27 K Kahn Uterine tenaculum forceps GO 22 Kallmorgen Vaginal specula sets GO 7 Kalt Micro needle holders WO 11 Kalt-Arruga Micro needle holders WO 11 Kantrowitz Ligature forceps CF 27 Kaye Dissecting scissors SC 43 Facelift and nasal scissors SC 39 Kazanjian Bone cutting forceps BS 60

Kelly Fistula scissors SC 64

Kuehne Cilia forceps FC 43 L La Grange Gum scissors SC 70 Lahey Ligature forceps CF 40 Retractors RE 17 Lambotte Bone holding forceps BS 43

Hemostatic forceps CF 9 -CF 25 Polypus and ovary forceps GO 29 Proctoscopes AS 24 Retractors RE 24 -RE 30 Sphincteroscopes AS 24 Kelly-Rankin Hemostatic forceps CF 9 Kern Bone holding forceps BS 40 Kevorkian Biopsy curettes GO 39 Biopsy forceps GO 44 Key Elevators BS 28 Kidney bowls HS 5 Kidney clamps AS 36 Kidney stone forceps AS 37 Kielland Obstetrical forceps GO 56 Kilner Dissecting scissors SC 40 Needle holders WO 28 Skin hooks RE 3 Swedish pattern SC 40 Kirschner Abdominal retractors RE 60 Drill wires BS 69 Klapp Tendon sheath hooks BS 88 Kleinert-Kutz Bone rongeur forceps BS 52 Fine wound retractors RE 4 Tendon passing forceps BS 86 Tenotomy scissors SC 24 Klima-Rosegger Sternal puncture needles TS 6 Knapp Eye scissors SC 13 Knot tier WO 46 Knowles Bandage scissors SC 76 Kocher Bone retractors BS 35–BS 36 Retractors RE 19 Kocher-Wagner Retractors RE 19 Koerte Retractors RE 16 Kogan Endospecula for cervix GO 19 König Elevators BS 29 Guiding probes WO 45 Raspatories BS 21 Kristeller Vaginal specula GO 9 Vaginal specula sets GO 8–GO 10 Kronecker Ligature needles WO 37 Hemostatic forceps CF 8 Intestinal clamps AS 14 Retractors RE 18- RE 25 Kocher-Atrauma Intestinal clamps AS 15 Kocher-Langenbeck

Osteotomes BS 6 Raspatories BS 20 Landau Trocars TS 4 Lane Bone holding forceps BS 44 Stomach and intestinal twin clamps AS 18

Tissue forceps FC 37 Towel forceps CF 50 Lane-Trethowan Bone levers BS 32 Langenbeck Bone holding forceps BS 39 Elevators BS 27 Raspatories BS 20

Resection knife SK 10 Retractors RE 16–RE 18 Langenbeck-Green Retractors RE 11- RE 12 Lateral specula GO 5 Lateral speculum GO 15 Lawrence Ligature forceps CF 40 Lazar Micro Suture Forceps FC 4 Leksell Bone rongeur forceps BS 57–BS 58 Lempert Bone rongeur forceps BS 49 Leriche Hemostatic forceps CF 11 Retractors RE 29 Lewin Bone holding forceps BS 39 Lewkowitz Lithotomy forceps AS 41 Lexer Dissecting scissors SC 28 Gouges BS 7 BS 9 Osteotomes BS 7 Lexer-Fino Dissecting scissors SC 28 Lid for perforated basket HS 10–HS 11 Lid for wire basket HS 10–HS 12 Ligature forceps CF 12 , CF 27–CF 41

Ligature needles WO 37–WO 41 Ligature scissors SC 47 -SC 62 General information SC 47 Lister Bandage scissors SC 74 Sinus forceps CF 53 Lister-Excentric Bandage scissors SC 75 Liston Amputation knives SK 9 Bone cutting forceps BS 59

Chirurgie Surgery

RUDOLF Medical ZK 300 EN_Rev. 07.2022

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