ZK 300 General-Surgery

Alphabetical Index (EN)

Mini-Townsend-Up Uterine biopsy forceps GO 47 Mixter Ligature forceps CF 37–CF 39 Mixter-Slim Ligature forceps CF 38 Mollison Self-retaining retractors RE 39 Molt Raspatories BS 19 Monopolar electrodes HF 5 Morris Retractors RE 21 Mosquito-Dandy Hemostatic forceps CF 20 Moynihan Hemostatic forceps CF 18 Munich Pattern Biopsy instruments GO 39 Murphy-Lane Bone levers BS 33 Museux Uterine tenaculum forceps GO 27 Myoma screw GO 33 Myrtle leaf probe TS 16 N Naegele Obstetrical forceps GO 56 Perforator GO 54 Nail instruments BS 62 Nail nipper BS 62 Nail pulling forceps BS 62 Nail scissors SC 71 Nail splitting scissors SC 71 Nasal scissors SC 39 -SC 49 Needle holders WO 12–WO 35 Negus Suction dissectors TS 9 Tonsil forceps CF 42 Neivert Needle holders WO 20–WO 21 Nelaton Directors TS 17 Nelson Intestinal and lung forceps FC 39 Nerve dissecting scissors SC 57 Neurosurgical scissors SC 57 New Orleans Needle holders WO 13 -WO 22 Tissue forceps FC 37 News Trachea retractors RE 5 New Suture Surgical scissors SC 23 Nissen Hemostatic forceps CF 22 Northbent Ligature scissors SC 62 Noto Polypus and ovary forceps GO 30 O Obstetrics GO 53–GO 54

Ochsner Suture forceps FC 21 Trocars TS 4 Ochsner-Kocher Hemostatic forceps CF 5–CF 7 O' Connor Fine wound retractors RE 4 Oehler Delicate tissue forceps FC 31 Olivecrona Bone rongeur forceps BS 48 Ollier Retractors RE 15 Olsen-Hegar Needle holders WO 17–WO 18

Peet Splinter forceps FC 42 Pelkmann Dressing forceps CF 55 Penis clamp AS 44 Pennington Hemostatic forceps CF 16 Percy Amputation retractor BS 43 Perforated basket HS 10–HS 11 Perforator GO 54 Perineum (Episiotomy) scissors SC 67 Peritoneal Forceps CF 44–CF 46 Perkins Self-retaining retractors RE 35 Perthes Reamers BS 68 Phaneuf Hysterectomy forceps GO 36 Piccolo Cotton applicators TS 20 Piper Obstetrical forceps GO 56

Ombredanne Mallets BS 83 O'Shaugnessy

Dissecting forceps CF 37 Osteotomes BS 3–BS 10 O'Sullivan-O'Connor Abdominal retractors RE 62

Ovarian forceps GO 32 Overholt-Geissendörfer Ligature forceps CF 31–CF 32 Overholt-Mixter Ligature forceps CF 33 Overholt-S Ligature forceps CF 30 Overholt-Slim Ligature forceps CF 30 Ovum forceps GO 57–GO 58 P Pacific-Kevorkian Uterine biopsy forceps GO 46 Par Needle holders WO 20 Parametrium forceps GO 34–GO 35 Parametrium scissors SC 68 Park Rectal spreader AS 25 Parker Retractors RE 14 Parker-Langenbeck Retractors RE 13 Parker-Mott Retractors RE 14 Parsonnet Self-retaining retractors RE 34 Partsch Mallets BS 85 Patella forceps BS 45 Patterson Biopsy forceps GO 43 Payr Guiding probes WO 44 Intestinal and pylorus clamps AS 17 Pean Hemostatic forceps CF 8 CF 16 Pederson Vaginal specula GO 5 Peers-Bertram Towel forceps CF 48

Pituitary forceps FC 22 Placenta forcep GO 58 Plaster breaker WO 50 Plaster cast instruments WO 49–WO 52 Plaster knives WO 49 Plaster saw WO 49 Plaster saws with oscillating saw blades WO 51 Plaster shears SC 77 Plaster spreader WO 49–WO 50 Plester Self-retaining retractors RE 36 Polypus and ovary forceps GO 29 Poole Cannulas TS 5 Potts-Smith Delicate dissecting forceps FC 19 Delicate tissue forceps FC 31 Vascular scissors SC 52 Pozzi Uterine tenaculum forceps GO 23 Pratt Amniotome for the amniotic membrane GO 25 Fistula probes TS 18 Haemorrhoidal forceps AS 27 Rectal specula AS 22 Pribram Micro suction tubes TS 10

Probes TS 15–TS 18 Probe with eye TS 15 Proctoscopes AS 24 Propylux, handles BS 7- BS 25 Prostatic retractor AS 40 Providence Hemostatic forceps CF 12 Putti Bone rasps BS 18 Pylorus spreader AS 16 Q Quervain Elevators BS 28

Chirurgie Surgery

RUDOLF Medical ZK 300 EN_Rev. 07.2022

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